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UPDATE: Florida Pastor Facing Rape Charges in Murfreesboro BACK Behind Bars

Sep 09, 2021 at 11:46 am by WGNS

The pastor from Florida who is facing multiple rape charges in Murfreesboro was re-arrested, as he awaits an upcoming trial.

David Alan Rowan was taken into custody and booked into the Rutherford County Adult Detention Center on Tuesday night (Sept. 7, 2021). Rowan was re-booked on previous charges of rape, after allegedly violating bail conditions that were attached to his original release.

The Florida resident will have to pay a $200-thousand bond if he wants to get out of jail before his upcoming hearing, scheduled for October 14th in Circuit Court. One month after that hearing, he will face trial.

Looking back to what landed the pastor on the wrong side of the law - - the 66-year-old man was originally arrested in 2018, after a lengthy investigation by the Murfreesboro Police Special Victims Unit. Police say that Rowan was in Tennessee visiting when the alleged crime took place 7-years ago in 2014.

At the time of Rowan’s arrest in 2018, he was pastor of Faith Baptist Church in Milton, Florida. In fact, their website still lists Rowan as the pastor of the church today.

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At the start of the investigation, Murfreesboro Police Detective Michael Yates and lead detective Tommy Roberts drove to Milton, Florida to meet with the accused pastor at his home and spoke with the man for about an hour. A police report filed around the same time of that visit stated, "Both girls made compelling and credible disclosures that Pastor David Rowan had molested them at a local hotel in Murfreesboro in 2014."

Rowan made a trip to Murfreesboro in 2014 to speak at a local church, according to a police report filed in 2018 by MPD Detective Tommy Roberts, who has since retired. During his visit, Rowan allegedly took two teenage girls out for a hamburger and milkshake, which is when he was said to be alone with the victims. At the time, Rowan would have been 59-years-old and the two victims would have been 14 and 15-years-old.

Apparently, the child victims are sisters and their mother evidently knew the pastor prior to his 2014 visit to Murfreesboro. Detective Roberts wrote in his report, "The victims looked up to Pastor Rowan and counted on him for spiritual guidance."

When Rowan appears before Judge Barry Tidwell for trial on November 29, 2021, he will face 3-counts of rape, 2-counts of unlawful sexual contact, 1-count of sexual battery by an authority figure and 3-counts of statutory rape by an authority figure.

DISCLAIMER: All suspects are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The arrest records or information about an arrest that are published or reported on NewsRadio WGNS and are not an indication of guilt or evidence that an actual crime has been committed.

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