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Helping Others: Rutherford County Sheriff's Office Continues Helping Senior Citizens Through There SCAN Program

Jul 14, 2021 at 02:00 pm by WGNS

Photo: Norbert Braunwalder of the Knights of Columbus receives a plaque of appreciation from Sheriff Mike Fitzhugh in behalf of the SCAN program. At left are Community Services Sgt. Gary Herron, SCAN Co-coordinators Clarence and E.T. Guice and at right is Chief Deputy Keith Lowery.

Positive news from the Rutherford County Sheriff... The Knights of Columbus members at St. Rose Catholic Church were recognized by the Sheriff's Office for donating to the Sheriff’s Senior Citizens Awareness Network.

Sheriff Mike Fitzhugh told Knights Faithful Navigator Norbert Braunwalder that the recent financial contribution was meaningful to senior citizens in our community.

SCAN Coordinator E.T. Guice said the funds will be used to buy medical alert buttons for seniors who are served by the SCAN program. Many of those seniors live alone and do not have family members to help them or to check on their well-being.

Community Services Unit Sgt. Gary Herron said the SCAN program appreciated the donations from the Knights. Herron said, “We want to honor you.”

Braunwalder said he appreciated the plaque Fitzhugh presented to the Knights.

The free SCAN program operates with volunteers who check on the safety and security of senior citizens through phone calls and home visits. The program relies on donations and grants to operate.

People who wish to enroll in the program may contact SCAN volunteers at 615-904-3139.


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