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Microcars Depart from Local Car Museum as Part of Micro/Minicar Meet in Michigan

Jun 11, 2021 at 01:21 pm by WGNS

On Monday, June 14, 2021 at 9:00am Jeff Lane and friends of Lane Motor Museum will depart from the Museum on a hundreds-mile long journey to Hickory Corners, Michigan, to attend the Micro/Minicar World Meet at the Gilmore Car Museum. Cars departing include the 1956 Heinkel Kabine, the 1966 Fiat 600 Multipla, and the 1958 BMW 600 Saloon.

These microcars will drive along state highways and surface roads – avoiding the highways – up to Michigan on a week-long journey before arriving for the World Meet. Fear not! Accompanying the microcars along their journey will be a truck and trailer, in case of any breakdowns or micro-problems.

“This will be quite a feat!” says Robert Sparrow Jones, Museum Curator. “These cars weren’t meant to traverse hundreds of miles, they’re usually just for trips around town. The fastest of the bunch only tops out at around 40mph! However, we feel confident that all cars (and drivers!) will make it in one piece and enjoy the Micro/Minicar World Meet.”

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