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May 22, 2021 at 05:49 am by WGNS

MTSU Farm Laboratories Director Matthew Wade opens the Creamery refrigerated truck’s back door to bring more chilled milk out for a customer following a sale in early June 2020 during the Main Street Saturday Market outside the Rutherford County Courthouse. The 2021 market season, which will run until Oct. 30, begins May 22. (MTSU file photo by Andy Heidt)

(MURFREESBORO)  The popular Main Street Saturday Market opens today (5/22/2021) for the new season around the historic Rutherford County Courthouse. WGNS applauds the Main Street Murfreesboro program for all that it does to strengthen business and preserve the history of this community. 

Saturday Market Manager Linda Weeks said, "The Saturday Market is open from 8:00AM to noon every Saturday through Oct. 30, 2021. Plus, there will not be a mask mandate in place this year, as COVID-19 protocols have been lifted."

In addition, the extremely popular MTSU Creamery milk will return to the trendy Main Street Saturday Market for the second year, making everyone — especially the buying public — very happy.

The Creamery will join more than 50 vendors selling fruits and vegetables, flowers, meat, bread and jams, jellies, honey, cinnamon rolls, fried what? and more — many that go great with cold milk.

MTSU Farm Laboratories Director Matthew Wade noted, “We’re excited to come back to the market and expect a successful year again. People were buying milk to support our agriculture department, even though they pay a little more for our milk. Kind of a neat thing, a lot of (MTSU) alumni and other folks had so many stories to tell us from years ago.” 

Another MTSU presence at the Saturday Market on some Saturdays will be rising sophomore Sophie Buck, who will be one of the musicians performing at the market. She plays fiddle and is a graphic design major who is minoring in music.

Wade said milk prices will remain the same: $2 for pints of chocolate and whole white milk; $5 for a half-gallon of chocolate and $6 for a gallon of whole white milk.

He added, "A frozen surprise — ice cream!"

Again, the Saturday Main Street Market on the Murfreesboro is back and continues through October 30, 2021. 

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