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Mayor recognizes Carson Elders, Street Department Crew Leader, with STARS Award

Apr 23, 2021 at 08:00 am by WGNS

L/R, Street Department employee Carson Elders and Mayor Shane McFarland

MURFREESBORO, Tenn. – Street Department Crew Leader Carson Elders has been named STARS award recipient for March 2021 after demonstrating his concern for safety and sharing his expertise with other employees. Mayor Shane McFarland recognized Elder during the City Council meeting, Thursday, April 22, 2021.   

STARS stands for “Succeeding Through Attitudes Reflecting Service Excellence.” Elders is an example of representing the City in a positive light, exhibiting the core values, and creating a better quality of life for citizens.

Elder was recognized for increasing the City’s ability to provide more effective service to the community. The following description was provided in the STARS nomination:

“The Street Department and Parks and Recreation Department both use chainsaws to remove unsafe tree limbs from public areas.  Avoiding the danger involved with using a chainsaw requires knowledge and experience.  Street Department Crew Leader Carson Elders recently shared his chainsaw expertise with over a dozen Parks and Recreation emplo9yees by designing and leading a day-long Chainsaw Safety training class.  The course involved a classroom presentation as well as hands-on experience.  Carson went out of his way to develop the safety course and he was a great instructor. He is the City’s chainsaw expert and was happy to share his knowledge to enhance the safety of the City’s employees.”

Elders was hired by the Murfreesboro Street Department as a Tree Climber in January 2018.

The STARS Service Excellence program is intended to recognize outstanding employees who embody the city’s standards for service excellence and exemplify the city’s core service values. The purpose of the STARS award is to recognize and reward those employees who go above and beyond their normal job duties in providing outstanding customer service to internal and external customers.

Congratulations to Carson Elders of the Murfreesboro Street Department for being named recipient of the March 2021 STARS Award for Outstanding Performance. 

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