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BUSINESS: New RV Dealer, Massive Shooting Range and More Now OPEN in Murfreesboro

Apr 22, 2021 at 10:14 am by WGNS

Above ribbon cutting photo at Lazy Days RV from the Chamber of Commerce

New businesses that include an RV Dealer and a shooting range are now open in Murfreesboro.

The Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Center held a ribbon cutting at Lazydays RV on Wednesday. The dealer sits on a large parcel of land on Beasie Road - that can be accessed from the New Salem Highway at exit 80 off of Interstate 24.

From the same interchange, you can also visit the brand-new indoor shooting range that opened earlier this month. Outpost Armory even has an area where you can fire the Barrett .50 rifle that is manufactured in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

Murfreesboro Mayor Shane McFarland said that Beasie Road will eventually connect to Racquet Club Drive on the other side of the Stones River, which is the Cason Lane area…

Under construction in that same area is a storage facility and COSTCO Wholesale, which is similar to Sam’s Club.

Photo Below is from Outpost Armory: A look inside their .50 Rifle Shooting Stall

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