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Rutherford County School Safety Zone Patrol Leads to Multiple Citations

Apr 01, 2021 at 11:34 am by WGNS

Tennessee Highway Patrol Lt. Jon Officer monitors school traffic safety laws in the Barfield Elementary School zone.

Eight drivers received citations for driving while texting or talking on cell phones in school zones Friday in Murfreesboro, a police sergeant said.

Murfreesboro Police, Tennessee Highway Patrol troopers and Rutherford County Sheriff’s deputies patrolled in the school zones to improve safety during Operation School Zone Safety. The event was sponsored by the Rutherford County Traffic Safety Task Force.

Sgt. Greg Walker of Murfreesboro Police said the teams of officers issued the following citations to drivers:

• Speeding – 21
• Lack of insurance – 4
• Hands Free- 8
• Driving without a license – 1
• Failing to wear a seatbelt - 4

“The safety of our children and the safety of the citizens driving on our roadways are two of the biggest focus points of the RCTSTF,” Walker said. “Hopefully the enforcement actions that took place on Friday will be a good reminder for everyone to stay buckled up, obey the speed limit, stay off the phone and stay focused on road.”

A sheriff’s deputy issued one warning for driving while texting.

While school was in session, Murfreesboro Police and THP concentrated on distracted driving for three and one-half hours Friday.

Forty-eight drivers were cited for texting or holding phones while talking.

Other results included charges for DUI and citations for simple possession of marijuana, violation of registration law, failing to have insurance and failing to wear a seat belt.

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