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UPDATED INFORMATION: Subject Allegedly Uses Emergency Radio to Spew Profanities and Vandalizes Sheriff's Vehicle

Mar 11, 2021 at 08:47 am by WGNS

See Video at Bottom of This News Story

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UPDATED INFORMATION – Murfreesboro Police Detectives are in search of the man who vandalized a Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office (RCSO) Incident Command vehicle. The subject is also accused of spewing profanities on the emergency radio system at a county COVID testing site.

On the night of March 3rd (2021), MPD Officers responded to the State Farm COVID testing site at 2500 Memorial Blvd. just before 9pm to investigate why a dispatcher heard radio transmissions from an unknown person.

The dispatcher who heard the the transmissions on the airwaves was with the Rutherford County Emergency Management Agency. To make the chatter more puzzling, the person on the radio was rambling out a slew of foul language.

Once on the scene, officers found an emergency vehicle that was vandalized, which belonged to the Rutherford County Sheriff's Office. That vehicle was a large 2005 Winnebago that is used as an "Incident Command" vehicle. Police say that a window was broken out on the Winnebago, but nothing appeared to be missing from inside of it.

Surveillance video at the testing site was released by the MPD. The video (below) shows a man carrying an object in his hand while checking doors on the former State Farm building.

Police are asking for the public's help in identifying the subject seen in the video. If anyone has information about the identity of this person, the MPD ask that tips to be emailed to

BELOW: Police Release Surveillance Video of Suspect

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