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Murfreesboro Civil Air Patrol Recognizes Award Winners

Mar 08, 2021 at 02:21 pm by WGNS

Senator Reeves with TN-162: C/2d Lt. Violet Thorne, C/1st Lt. Emerson Garfield, Senator Shane Reeves, Lt. Col. Morgan Torp-Pedersen, and Capt. Debbie Torp-Pedersen

MURFREESBORO, Tenn.- Members of the Murfreesboro Composite Squadron, Civil Air Patrol hosted a virtual awards ceremony to recognize the accomplishments of the members in their squadron over the course of the past year.

Maj. Gen. Mark Smith, Civil Air Patrol’s national commander and CEO said to the squadron members...


Smith served as the keynote speaker at the ceremony and highlighted the importance of persevering through difficult times. He also said that he is

During the event, Senator Shane Reeves of Murfreesboro (14th District of Tennessee) presented seven cadets with the Gen. Billy Mitchell award. He also recognized Chad Gehrke and the Murfreesboro Municipal Airport for being selected as the Tennessee Wing's Frank G. Brewer Aerospace Memorial award recipient.

"I've always been impressed with your squadron and your commitment to honor, duty, and discipline," Reeves said. "I'm honored to have the opportunity to be here recognize the work of these cadets."

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