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Bonnaroo is back and asking Manchester, TN officials for annexation

Mar 01, 2021 at 06:46 am by WGNS

Officials with the Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival have officially requested that the city of Manchester annex its property to officially become a part of the city of Manchester.

Currently, Great Stage Park (the location of the annual festival), is located in Coffee County and outside of the Manchester City Limits.

Manchester Mayor Marilyn Howard told partner station WMSR that negotiations are ongoing.

“As a board of Mayor and Aldermen we will do what is best for our city,” said Howard. “This process and negotiation is in the very early stages and has many moving parts and entities. We will work through this and report to the pubic what this would mean as we work through this process.”

There are public meetings that will be scheduled for April. 

Bonnaroo is scheduled to take place September 2nd through the 5th this year (2021). This year marks the 20th anniversary for the concert series.

Source: Partner Station WMSR, Manchester, TN

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