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Bennett Joins Rutherford County Fire Rescue’s Fire/Arson Investigation Unit

Aug 18, 2020 at 01:22 pm by WGNS

Firefighter Cole Bennett

Rutherford County, TN—Rutherford County Fire Rescue (RCFR) announced last week the addition of Firefighter Cole Bennett to its Fire/Arson Investigation Unit.

Lieutenant/Assistant Fire Marshal Joshua Sanders said, “We are excited to have Cole as a member of our team.”

Bennett began his career with RCFR as a firefighter two years ago but has five years’ experience in the field. He currently serves at Fire Station 60 on Fortress Boulevard and is a member of the Special Operations Team.

After completing an intensive training program, Bennett will serve as one of three Fire/Arson Investigators for the department. RCFR investigators have specialized training in origin and cause determination, interviewing and interrogation, evidence collection, firearms and tactics, law enforcement procedures, and criminal investigations. RCFR investigators have police powers, conduct criminal investigations, and make arrests on incidents involving suspicious or illegal fire or explosion related incidents. Certification is obtained through the State of Tennessee, the International Association of Arson Investigators, and/or the National Association of Fire Investigators. Investigators are also authorized to issue citations for fire-related offenses within the State of Tennessee.

“Cole’s passion for the fire service and past experience in fire protection systems will prove to be a valuable asset,” said Lt. Sanders.

Bennett is eager to begin training and immerse himself in the new role stating, “I know how it feels to have my home, vehicles, and belongings burned by arsonists. Our citizens deserve to have comfort in knowing that our investigations team will do everything in our power to ensure that arsonists are caught and prosecuted.”

“I am proud of Firefighter Bennett,” said RCFR Chief Larry Farley. “I know he will serve this team well.”

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