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Help For Re-Opening Businesses

Jul 24, 2020 at 11:45 am by WGNS

(MURFREESBORO)  Local Better Business Bureau's James Price has ideas to help businesses that are reopening in this COVID-19 environment. 


BBB partners with Indeed to offer eligible companies a $200 sponsored job credit Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, unemployment rates have risen dramatically as companies have been forced to lay off or furlough employees. Now, as some areas reopen, many businesses are hiring back furloughed employees, as well as looking for new hires. Read more to see how BBB is partnering with Indeed on job credits.


First Coronavirus Vaccine Tested in Humans Shows Early Promise Vaccines and improved treatments are the only hope of returning lives back to anything close to normal, and dozens of companies are racing to develop vaccines. A vaccine developed by government scientists and Moderna, a biotech company seems to be showing promising results. Read more about how it is being tested and how effective it could be.


Coronavirus Questions That Can Define the Future of Your Business What questions have crossed your mind throughout this pandemic? Could they be defining moments for your business’s future. Here are some answers to questions that could help you make decisions about what's been on your mind.


       Simple Habits that Separate Successful Leaders from Everyone Else Habits that may keep your people           from jumping ship.

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