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FREE Food Distribution Saturday

Jul 16, 2020 at 01:45 pm by WGNS

MTSU is the location of an upcoming food distribution sponsored by “One Generation Away” on Saturday (July 18, 2020) from 9AM to 11AM.

The event will be in the Rutherford parking lot on North Rutherford Boulevard at MTSU Boulevard behind the MTSU campus. Recipients can enter the lot from North Rutherford and simply pull through to receive food.

Volunteers are needed at the Saturday event from 8 in the morning until 11:30 AM. No pre-registration is needed to participate.

Again, this is a free food distribution coming up this Saturday on the MTSU campus.

Those receiving food are asked to wait in their vehicle with their trunk open.

Due to the need, only one shopping cart of food will be given to each vehicle while food supplies last.

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