FOR SALE or TRADE: Derringer pistol; SKS rifle (with 32-round clip) 615-785-5288
FOR SALE: 200 face masks in a variety of color 615-203-4067
FOR SALE: electric wheel chair (like new, used 6-months) $550 615-427-86772
WANTS TO BUY: window air conditioner 615-867-8701
FOR SALE: farm fresh brown eggs $3/dozen 615-796-7867
FOR SALE: 17HP John Deer riding mower $100 615-653-5077
FOR SALE: Organic tame blackberries (picked fresh daily. $24/gal/$3/pt. Text 615-364-2662
WANTS: handyman to do repairs and clean gutters 615-893-6021
FOR SALE: boat, motor, and trailer 615-995-4616 AFTER 6pm
FOR SALE: 6 lawn mowers (need minor repair)--all for $400 615-663-4980
FOR SALE: Ford 9N Red Belly tractor $2,400 615-594-3737
FOR SALE: pigs 615-691-0462