FOR SALE: Goodman 2 1/2-ton heat pump-cooling (condenser only R-410) 618-309-3150
FOR SALE: boat, motor and trailer 615-995-4616 (after 6PM)
WANTS: hood for John Deer LX-188 615-896-2773
FOR SALE: 6 RIDING MOWERS (NEED SOME WORK) $400 for all 615-663-4980
FOR SALE: Kwik-Lift car lift for garage (5,000 pound capacity) 615-585-4103
FOR SALE: 1988 Jeep Wrangler, Derringer pistol, SKS rifle (32-round clip) 615-785-5288
FOR SALE: Ford 9N Red Belly tractor, runs great $2,400 615-594-3737
FOR SALE: farm fresh brown eggs $3/dozen 615-796-7867
FOR SALE: square bales of hay $6/bale 615-410-6820
FOR SALE: 2 adult wooden rockers $100 for both; wrought iron patio recliner 618-697-0687
FOR SALE: Davis Cabinet Company cherry night table (4 drawers, 1 drop door) $150 615-394-2414