Swap and Shop for Monday, July 6, 2020:
For Sale: 1988 Jeep Wangler call or text 615-785-5288
For Sale: 6 ft rooter like new, less than 2 hrs on it for $500. Also selling a stock trailer 8ft by 16ft long, elec brakes, new floor for $1,500. Old GM Truck bed converted into a trailer with topper for $150 – Call 615-848-3590
For Sale: 2 beautiful like new chairs for $100 each or both for $175. Custom made by Fairfield Chair Co. 615-439-0095
For Sale: Storage Box for sale. 8ftX8ft. 7 doors and inside space. Cleated Aluminum. 615-896-5986.
For Sale /Trade: 38 special Smith & Wesson Pistol and a SKS rifle has 32round clip. Call or text 615-785-5288
For Sale: 20ft.X20ft. Storage barn for sale. Red sides with black roof. You move. $1,000. 615-545-3911.
NEEDED: Need a 4X8 or larger utility trailer 615-893-4410
NEEDED: Need an outside cleanup person. Call 615-890-1540.
For Sale: 1988 Jeep Wangler call or text 615-785-5288
For Sale: Power wheelchair for sale. Like new only used for 6 months. $550 Call or text 615-427-8672
For Sale: Lawnmowers and two pressure washers 615-987-6371
Wanted: Used travel trailer (2005 to 2010) – Want to spend under $5,000 - 615-796-8627
For Sale: 3 Weedeaters 615-506-1150