Dressed for Stealth, But Forgot the Darkness: A Thief’s Daytime Blunder

Mar 19, 2025 at 01:34 am by WGNS News

MURFREESBORO, TN – If there’s one thing we can all appreciate, it’s a criminal who really commits to his craft—except, of course, when he’s bad at it. One Rutherford County resident recently discovered he wasn’t the only one who considered his home a prime location. Thanks to a home surveillance camera, a mysterious visitor was caught red-handed, executing what can only be described as the least sneaky heist of the century.

Our masked mastermind (who apparently skipped the mask) rolled up in broad daylight, dressed head-to-toe in dark colored clothing, because everyone knows wearing dark clothing instantly makes you invisible—except when the sun is shining. The suspect parked his SUV near the victim’s driveway, popped his trunk with the confidence of a man on a mission, and made his way to the back patio. What treasure did he seek? A television? A laptop? A safe full of cash? Nope. This daring thief had his eyes locked on a far more valuable prize: a weed eater.

Like a pirate spotting a chest of gold, our daytime burglar zeroed in on the bright orange beauty, its sleek curves and powerful string-trimming abilities apparently too much to resist. In what can only be described as an act of true passion, he stealthily crept toward the weed eater and scooped it up with all the reverence of a man who had just found Excalibur. Wasting no time, he returned to his SUV, delicately placing the landscaping instrument inside as if he were loading the crown jewels. But wait—why stop at one conquest? The reported thief, clearly feeling bold, doubled back for another round of treasure hunting before finally deciding he had enough riches for the day.

And just like that, he was gone—vanishing into the distance in his high-speed getaway (casually driving off).

Now, the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office would like to make this criminal’s local fame a bit more official by finding out exactly who he is. The weed eater heist occurred on Sunday, March 9, and anyone with information is encouraged to contact Detective Christian Wrather at 615-904-3093 or via email at cwrather@rcsotn.orgSee below video...

While we wait for justice to be served, it’s worth noting that this act of lawn equipment larceny is just one small piece of the larger theft puzzle. According to BankRate.com, some of the most commonly stolen items include wallets, clothing, prescription drugs, car parts, electronics, and even personal documents. But nowhere on the list—nowhere at all—was a weed eater - unless they are filed under "Power Tools," which would be boring... So, congratulations to this Rutherford County bandit for truly thinking outside the box.

Perhaps next time, he’ll upgrade his disguise, plan his heist a little better, or at the very least, pick a target that actually makes sense. Until then, homeowners may want to start locking up their lawn care equipment—because apparently, nothing is off-limits anymore.

DISCLAIMER: All suspects are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The arrest records or information about an arrest that are published or reported on NewsRadio WGNS and www.WGNSradio.com are not an indication of guilt or evidence that an actual crime has been committed.


Tags: burglary crime report daylight crime home surveillance investigation lawn equipment Rutherford County security cameras Sheriff's Office stolen property suspect Suspect Identification SUV theft weed eater
Sections: News