Sign of Spring: 52nd Annual MTSU Baseball Groundhog Day Luncheon

Jan 31, 2025 at 04:08 pm by WGNS


MURFREESBORO - It’s a celebrated early sign of spring for the Middle Tennessee State University community: the annual Groundhog Day luncheon in support of Blue Raider Baseball.

Enjoying its 52nd year, the event aides in fundraising and creating excitement for the upcoming season. The 40-man Blue Raider Baseball team joins fans, past players, extended family and coaching staff to discuss the upcoming season.

The event has a rich history, having moved to larger venues over the decades to accommodate the excited crowd. Founded by the first ‘railbirds’ the luncheon is an energizing rally call to the season ahead.

The event not only features great conversation, but a time-honored special menu of ham hocks, white beans, cornbread, salad, chocolate cake and ice cream. A menu set during the events premiere year.

Opening day is February 14th and season tickets are available for as little as $50.

Tags: Groundhog Luncheon MTSU MTSU Baseball
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