LaVergne to Hold Pageants

Jun 30, 2011 at 12:57 pm by bryan

For the first time in city history, La Vergne will crown some of the youth of the community as royalty. On September 9-10, several pageants are scheduled to allow residents to compete for different titles, including:


Little Miss La Vergne and Little Mr. La Vergne, Grades K-2

Young Miss La Vergne and Young Mr. La Vergne, Grades 3-5

Junior Miss La Vergne, Grades 6-8

Miss La Vergne, Grades 9-12


The pageants will be held at La Vergne Middle School.  Junior Miss La Vergne is Friday September 9th at 7:00pm; the Little and Young pageants begin at 1:00pm on Saturday September 10th; and the Miss La Vergne pageant is scheduled at 7:00pm on Saturday, September 10th.


Applications will be accepted beginning at 9:00 a.m., Monday, July 11th and cut off is 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, August 31st.  A head shot with contestant’s name and age group on back must also accompany application at the time of registration for the “People’s Choice” competition. The pageant entry fee is $50 and sponsorships are permitted.


Applicants must live in or attend school in La Vergne. Children who have immediate family (parent) working for the City of La Vergne are also eligible to participate in this pageant. This pageant is not an open pageant.


“We are often inspired by the youth of our town,” said Mayor Senna Mosley.  “We have many gifted, energetic children who would make us proud to represent La Vergne. We are pleased that we can offer this marvelous opportunity to all of our kids. The winners will be special guests at the Old Timers Festival and at events throughout their year-long reign.”


Additionally a special Ms. and Mr. Old Timer pageant is scheduled on September 11 for ages 55 and up. That entry fee is $25 and the pageant will be held at the Multipurpose Building behind City Hall.


Pageant information and applications are available online at  They may also be picked up at City Hall, 5093 Murfreesboro Road in La Vergne.

Sections: News