FOR SALE: Bearcat SDS-100 scanner radio...615-984-8779
FOR SALE: dark brown small wood kitchen table with two matching sturdy chairs asking $50. CALL 615- 524-1979
WANTED: Collie dog like Lassie, Selling antiques and a truck - Call 615-919-2621
FREE: Hickory Firewood. You cut all you want and haul. Call 615-545-3911
FOR SALE: New lava lamp making kit $10,New slime making kit $10 New career barbies $10 each 615-410-1372
FOR SALE: Ladder rack for full size long bed truck $200 - CALL 615-260-3305
FOR SALE: 1 year old male doodle dog / white, had vet check and all shots, very snuggling. Owner has health issues and needs to rehome him. $400. Call 615-439-0095
FOR SALE: Set of four 16 inch Ford pickup rims.5 lug. With additional chrome trim rings included.. $75.00. 615-542-8522