For Sale: antique rocking chair (just refinished) $150; armoire and chest of drawers; clock 624-7307
For Sale: cell phone $50; electric blanket (queen size) $20; chain billfold 974-7828
For Sale: 1993 Nissan 4-cylinder pickup $500 618-0476
For Sale: used microwave and furniture; Need: someone to pickup junk items for free 907-7397
For Sale: male and female parakeet with cage and accessories $50 for all 593-9131
For Sale: bumper pool table $150; 15-foot boat with 60HP motor, trolling motor and trailer $1,500; motorcycle (sell or trade for vehicle) 243-7736
For Sale: new concrete blocks; push mower; leaf blower 653-0769
For Sale: 2 Chihuahua male puppies $80 each; 2 rabbit cages 617-7626
For Sale: 3 piece entertainment center 81-inchs across and 81-inches tall, lighted, $300 ($1,500 new) 427-8365 (moving)
For Sale: lumber for furniture makers $1.50 per board foot (oak, walnut and cherry---dried wood) 525-8967
Free: hay to cut and bale (6 acres) 525-1968
Wants: set of Salad Master stainless steel cookware; For Rent: 1 BR apartment in Murfreesboro 895-5746
For Sale: sleeper sofa $45; 2 cushion love seat $35 (both very clean); 5HP go-cart motor $75 568-1361
For Sale: fresh okra 765-7100
For Sale: 2 wheel wire grocery basket $10; box of 25 Southern Gospel CD’s $10; computer monitor $10 506-0748